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Software bug reception
TPMS Steelmate T620 not working on duduos
DUDU7 - Night display brightness too bright
CarPlay not working
DUDU7 time and date resets
FM RADIO autopoisk stations in the Russia region is not working
Не корректное отображение скорости интернета
Weather Widget Text Formatting Bug
Please release a 2K DVR app for universal Android head units.
Possible bug in AC controls app
Dudu7 6g 64g cpu question
Fahrenheit unit issue
When are you going to support other canbus than Raise
[BUG Report] Incorrect display of the Navibar popup window
System forgets gyroscope settings
Como enviar carah-anr para vós?
Некорректная работа приложения Кондиционер
поддержка GAC Trumpchi GS8 (2017) в приложении Автомобиль
Dudu7 SIM card issue, no internet ( no data connectivity)
High frequency noise
Day and nigth mode , ligth switch not working
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