trap63 wybitny2 NO, You can't install DUDU OS 3.5 on 7870. You need to buy proprietary platform DUDU7. It's MANDATORY
wybitny2 obelix80 There are no problems in dudu os and it is developing better and better. I fell in love from the day I saw a video from the Chinese electronics fair dedicated to mekede and dudu os. If this is where the future is going, dudu os looks promising.
hung YAOXILONG mình dùng teyes chip 7862s và muốn up sang rom dudu, tuy nhiên mình đang sử dụng cảm biến va chạm R2 của teyes , liệu rằng rom dudu cho nhận cảm biến va chạm không!cám ơn ad
19712809 Я бы попросил разработчиков dudu сделать и переднюю и заднюю камеру с более большим разрешением. Сейчас изображение какое-то расплывчатое. У тиайса камера намного лучше.
ansaziz777 I installed Duduos 3.5 on 7862 FYT, but my Ac theme is not updated to Dudu one, its still showing the older one from my old FYT OS, any help?
da2001 is there a way to change the DPI/resolution of the Apps? Some apps are very tiny in the minimalstic mode.
MihaiFlorin Talha0 Please be a little bit more specific. You installed Dudu OS 3.5. In what type of device? Dudu device? General FYT device? I would recommend you to get on the Telegram group. More than sure somebody there will help you.
surfer63 Talha0 You need a script to change ro.sf.swrotation to a value that suits your device. Based on the fact that your screen is upside down, you probably have a Joying 7862. Please confirm and next time specify what you have.
Talha0 Hi Sorry, my system is a 7862 and I posted on the Telegram group and managed to resolve it using the script to rotate the screen.