I have a cheap, poor quality USB DVR from another company, and I use an app called "HD DVR" (uCarDvr) with that camera. This HD DVR app appears to be almost identical to the older version of DUDUAUTO's app for older USB DVRs. I removed this camera from the head unit and uninstalled the HD DVR app.
I bought a DUDUAUTO 2K DVR and installed the "DVR 2K" (bdDvr) app. I proceeded with the installation of the DVR 2K app and also did the automatic updates.

However, the "ADAS Settings" tab does not appear in the settings menu. Of course, the ADAS function does not turn on.
The camera preview is displayed, but the coordinates and speed are not displayed. Date and time are displayed correctly. This is true not only in the garage but also outdoors where the sky is visible.

Next, I installed the HD DVR app again. Then when I start the DVR 2K app, a message appears prompting me to delete the old HD DVR app, but I ignored it. Then the "ADAS Settings" tab appears in the settings menu of the DVR 2K app. However, even if I turn on the ADAS function, it immediately turns off, so ADAS does not work. So, if I delete the cache of the DVR 2K app and the HD DVR app and the storage (data) used by the app and start the DVR 2K app, the ADAS will remain on for a while. However, the DVR 2K app will crash after a while after calibration. Until the crash, the ADAS function will work and the warning sound will be played normally. The coordinates and speed will still not be displayed.
Next, when the HD DVR app is started with the DUDUAUTO 2K DVR camera connected to the head unit, the HD DVR app will run for a long time without crashing and the ADAS will also function normally. This app does not have a warning voice function and a beep sound will be heard. Almost all functions can be used without problems in the HD DVR app, but the coordinates and speed will still not be displayed.
I deleted the HD DVR app again, and the "ADAS Settings" tab disappeared from the settings menu in the DVR 2K app, and all ADAS functionality was lost from the DVR 2K app.
In other words, it can be said that ADAS will not function in the DVR 2K app unless there is a USB DVR app (from another company) with the same ancestor.
In conclusion, the app included with other USB DVR cameras works better with the DUDUAUTO 2K DVR camera than the 2K DVR app.
The 2K DVR app does not seem to support headsets other than DUDUAUTO and one other brand, so please provide an app that works with other head units. I suspect that the DVR 2K app is just a cool UI made by removing part of the backend from a general Chinese USB DVR app.
In addition, not only do the app not display the coordinates and speed in the bottom left of the preview screen, but the coordinates and speed were never recorded in the video recorded on the camera's TF card.