I don't know how to fix the bug in the universal version of the app where "72 km/h" continuously appears at the top of the screen. However, it seems possible to hide the speed display by touching the screen and changing the display order so that the camera video layer is placed above the speed display layer.
The coordinates and speed in the lower left corner of the screen are occasionally displayed correctly, but most of the time, they show as 0. I don't know how to fix this either.
There were some inaccuracies in my previous reports in this thread regarding the 2K DVR app.
The ADAS voice is not generated using TTS but is instead played as WAV files recorded for each language. The Japanese voice in the 2K DVR app was most likely a recording of Google's TTS. Since it sounded identical to the Japanese voice of Google TTS on my head unit, I mistakenly assumed that the 2K DVR app was using TTS for speech.
The DUDU DVR Service was also included in the 2K DVR app. It seems that the issue stemmed from the fact that it was not installed correctly when I first installed the 2K DVR app. My head unit is made by a different company, not DUDU. However, the reason AR ADAS functioned on the 2K DVR app despite this was likely because the app was not properly installed. After repeatedly reinstalling the 2K DVR app, I was no longer able to display AR ADAS. It is probably correct that AR ADAS does not function in non-DUDU OS environments due to the hardware/software environment check within the 2K DVR app, but this is unfortunate for me.