Night time display brightness/backlight brightness adjustment is too bright when set to 0.
DUDU7 - Night display brightness too bright
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Das mag richtig sein aber das Bild wird dann verwaschen.
Ich weiß nicht genau was passiert wenn man den extreme mode benutzt aber bei meinem 13 Zoll sieht es dann einfach scheiße aus.
Wenn man es herunter dreht ist es in etwa so...
Wir brauchen Einstellungen für Helligkeit, Farbe, Schärfe usw. wie bei einem Monitor.
Das wäre sehr hilfreich.
Has anyone had much luck with this recently? My screen is distractingly bright when driving in dark areas even with the extreme setting turned way down. The factory setting seems to have minimal impact on the brightness.
rogue9607 Для вступления в силу заводских настроек изменения яркости необходимо перезагрузить головное устройство. Но, будьте осторожны. Чтобы не получить полностью черный экран, в дневном режиме оставьте большую яркость. И если вы получите черный экран, переключитесь на дневной режим и прибавьте минимальную яркость.
Это значение нужно подбирать.
Chubaka885 Thank you! I think that helped, but I'll need to wait until tonight to test more. I'm still learning and appreciate the guidance.
I've been fighting this since I got the unit as well. I live in the country and it's very distracting. I usually turn the screen off in the status bar, but if you get a call it brings it back to life.
I did the dudu7 factory setting thing and turned the screen to 1 minimum brightness, that helped a little.
I just recently discovered a setting in the android system accessibility settings that allows for a verrrry dark screen using something similar to the "extreme dark mode" but goes darker. Accessibilty->Display->Extra dim. Make sure your screen brightness is turned up a bit before you play with this. If I hadn't done it at night I'm not sure I would have been able to use the stereo until night.
The nice thing about doing it this way is that there is an option for a shortcut that you can put anywhere on the screen and toggle it without needing to dig into the dudu settings.
It still reduces the contrast, but it's easy to toggle on and off when you want it very dark.
I would love to see a screen time out feature on the deck. They disabled it in the android settings, so that isn't a system option.
Best workaround I've found for now.
The problem with these headunits and where those branded ones (ie sony, JVC) really excel is in the display technology. I have a Tesla and that screen technology is amazing. There is a brightness setting that actually turns down the LIGHT output, not the contrast. There is no glow. Same with JVC/Sony, etc.
These headunits are backlit and I am 99% sure, this can be controlled by software if implemented. What we need is a BACKLIGHT adjustment...NOT brightness. If Dudu can implement that, it would solve a lot of issues with glowing screens at night (even when the brightness is down low)
Очень удобно использовать вот это приложение с настройками автоматического затемнения по закату-восходу в дополнение к изменению ночной темы после включения света фар.
Hi, new to DUDU-world and having the same issue.
Obviously the OS is not regulating the controller that actually dims the screen illumination. Hopefully this is just a bug and not a lack of this essential device onboard. My guess is, there is a PWM-controller sitting somewhere, perhaps even unused?
@caolz can you say anything to this please? This issue should really be addressed as the either terribly bright or alternatively very milky screen is really spoiling the user-experience.
The user-experience is actually the reason why I bought a DUDU.
- Вы можете использовать функцию "экстремальный ночной режим", в меню день/ночь
- В заводских настройках можно настроить меньшую яркость. Для вступления в силу этих настроек необходимо перезагрузить головное устройство. Но будьте аккуратней, слишком низкое значение может погасить полностью подсветку. По этому делайте эту настройку при включенных габаритных огнях. Но оставьте нормальную яркость при выключенных габаритных огнях. При таком варианте, если вы вдруг сильно убавите яркость в заводских настройках и экран погаснет, вы сможете отключить габаритные огни и уровень яркости установиться в соответствии с дневным уровнем. Подсветка экрана включиться.
Таким образом значение нижнего порога подбирается индивидуально для каждого дисплея.
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Chubaka885 Diese extreme Einstellung ist so nützlich wie eine Warze am Hintern.
Das wurde schon mehrfach gesagt.
Das Bild wirkt nur ausgewaschen, es ist noch immer zu hell aber man erkennt kaum noch etwas.
Da muss dran gearbeitet werden.
Frohe Weihnachten.
Yes, I have that setting activated, so I can at least use the radio at night but as @JhonnyD mentioned, this still gives a terrible washed-out picture. I can live with that for a while but not for ever.
How to address the Mekede people directly, since they are not answering here?
atom How to address the Mekede people directly, since they are not answering here?
Напишите продавцу.
Hi Guys
Is there any plan of resolving the backlight brightnes problem? i find driving after dark just a terrible experiance, i have to turn of the screen everytime, becouse the britnes adjustment just washes out he contrast and backlight stays the same
I have same problem
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DUDU7 Setup>HOME>Day/Night>Extreme Dark Mode
Setup>Vehicle>Factory Set>Touch>Adjust Screen Brightness