BenAriel android auto wireless just disconnecting it self randomly, and got very high audio lag pls fix it !!
dogsfoot BenAriel I`ve given up on android auto and just use apps instead now. Wireless AA is useless.
Suki4th I have solved this by ordering cheap wireless Android auto dongle, which is connected all the time to Dudu. Not perfect solution, but works better. If i have known about these problems before buying, i wouldnt have bought it. Next time Joying...
surfer63 Suki4th Joying is FYT too. It comes with exactly (!!) the same Carlink APK. DuDu doesn' t make the Carlink.apk, FYT does. Don' t think AA/Carplay will work better on another FYT unit. It will work just as good or bad as on a Dudu. And problems are mostly with Carplay. Edit: did you disable phone hotspot and/or VPN connection?
MrFixer surfer63 There is definitely a problem with AA and CP on the Dudu7. I have installed 40+ headunits in the last year, including around 10 FYT UIS7862-based units. No problems with any of those. Did an install of a cheap $120 Eonon unit today, Rockchip 3562 - they always connect wirelessly to AA - 100% first time, every time. Dudu7 is priced and positioned as a 'premium' unit but so far does not meet that aspiration. Hardware is good but the software/firmware needs a lot more work.
surfer63 MrFixer I did not deny there is a problem. I just mentioned it is a FYT. Buying a Joying 7870 or a Mekede 7870 is not different for Carlink than a dudu7. Carlink is 100% FYT without interference from one of the brands/resellers. Don' t think that buying another 7870 will fix it. It will be fixed when FYT fixes it for the 7870. And it can be totally different on a 7862 or a 8581. I simply can't compare.
Suki4th Seems that after 3.6 update, the Android auto connects to my phone wireless. 3 connections today without problems... Hopefully its fixed. Edit: I didn't do factory reset after updates.
Suki4th moaz3019 No, it is much better! Android auto connects now almost always without problems. I only lost saved radio stations on update.
MrFixer surfer63 I have installed a Mekede M7, which is an FYT 7870 unit. AA and CP worked reliably on that unit when I tested it. There are reports that Dudu7 v.3.6 (beta) update has more reliable AA and CP connectivity. Not tried it myself yet.