dudu-lai 已经修好了https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RPDCr0jORbXREQde1DQksHSa8stqRlE-?usp=drive_link
liamstears dudu-lai This link needs access granted to be able to access it, can you share it freely instead?
dudu-lai liamstears I'm sorry, I forgot. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fQYSOB4Uw1QdEakMXtXWWictldIN8yaB?usp=sharing
liamstears dudu-lai This worked for beta 1 but the issue is still in beta 2, can we get a fix for beta 2?
Slavus DUDU-Meng Yes, it is. The file shared on this thread cannot be installed because of "App not installed as package conflicts with an existing package."
DUDU-Meng It's because the version number of the installation file is lower than the one built into the system. The system does not allow downgrading the installation
DUDU-Meng liamstears Just confirmed that the official version of the service already includes this fix. Just wait for the next system.