Ojika After the update, the screen size setting option disappeared, only the font size can be set, but it can only be changed minimally. Is Waze, for example, almost unusable with the small-sized captions? How can I go back to the older version?
caolz Ojika “screen size setting option” Where was the option you mentioned located in the previous version of the system?
Ojika caolz The android user interface had this setting option. Above is the font size, directly below is the screen setting. After the update, only the font size setting is listed here. Underneath, you can read 'Bold text' or 'High contrast text' here.
Ojika Kriss Thanks for the video, unfortunately it shows the pre-update version where the screen zoom worked perfectly!
DUDU-Meng This feature is set so that reboots are not memorized. This is because the DPI has been written to death by the system.
caolz https://forum.dudu-auto.com/d/747-screen-size This discussion describes the same problem and contains solutions.