Tomblarom So what you can try to mitigate: In DUDU day/night settings choose based on location (sunrise/sunset) rather than light's status. I think that Google Maps uses a sunrise/sunset logic and it should come close.
The automatic light of my campervan (VW) is close enough so for me the advanced setting (light's status during day, night mode at night) works well. I see small deviations in Google Maps map handling but not disturbing.
Edit: I've just seen that you already use sunrise/sunset. Another thing I've seen in Google Maps is a bug, where the map stays on day mode even at night until you start to actually navigate. That's a bug in Google Maps and I think they'll sort it. Or maybe try other navigation apps. For instance I prefer OSMAnd when on tour because I might not be navigating but want to see where I'm going - Google Maps is really bad at just showing your position, it doesn't update constantly. Also OSMAnd's maps are much more informative, showing street surfaces, private roads etc. Useful as I have an offroad camper and do greenlaning from time to time. In Iceland, Google Maps didn't even know the tracks in the Highlands... but that's another topic 😉
PPS: As you have a RV, hope you've seen the valuable levelling widget that gives you tilt/roll info so you can find a level ground 😉