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Even if i have contact/recents sync activated in the iPhone bluetooth settings I cannot synchronize them. If I access the Phone widget everything is in sync. Why? Are these two separate apps?
Even if i have contact/recents sync activated in the iPhone bluetooth settings I cannot synchronize them. If I access the Phone widget everything is in sync. Why? Are these two separate apps?
I didn't find this issue on my iPhone.
Ensure that iPhone setting "Sync Contacts" is turned on,then check these options "Phone Favorites" "Phone Recents" "All Contacts".
Click the Sync button or Sync icon in the upper right corner in the Bluetooth phone application.
caolz That's why you have the first screenshot. I clearly specify that all the options you have specified are checked. Otherwise I wouldn't have posted the problem. You tell me to do something that I already done.
Restart your device, does the problem still exist?
I tested it with iPhone 8. What model is your phone?
caolz Iphone 15 Pro Max. I might have found the culprit. I use also a Huawei Watch with this iPhone. Once i disconnect the watch from iPhone, the contacts sync. iPhone operating system 17.5
MihaiFlorin I can confirm this also happens with a paired Apple Watch, also iPhone 15 Pro Max… seems that a connected smart watch may cause syncing issues
Do you still have this problem after updating the system of the device?
My device is 7862, system 240522, iPhone 10, Mi Band.
After testing, I was able to sync contacts in the Bluetooth phone app.
caolz Yes, unless I "forget the device" (watch) in the BT settings of the iPhone. If I only disconnect the watch only some parts of the contacts or records get synced. The watch I am using is a Huawei watch GT3 Pro
So this is still present. Even if I don't have the watch connected to the phone, it takes like 2-3 attempts to synchronize the contacts. For you does it work well every time? Because in my case, sometimes it brings only parts of the all contacts.
Bluetooth firmware fixes some issues.
The Bluetooth firmware will be updated with the DUDUOS upgrade.
The next DUDUOS upgrade may help with this problem.
caolz Good to know
caolz This bug is still present. At least when you have a Huawei smartwatch connected to the iPhone. On both 7862 and 7870
Hello all,
I have same issue, 7862, coupled with iphone 13 and huawei gt runner. I found out that watch also has sync contact option activated. I have disabled that option on watch, forget watch and on dudu contacts resync'ed. Reconnected watch and see how it goes. Will keep you posted.
Looks like its an ios problem not duduos, i have an iphone paired with dudu and garmin watch and this problem is not present.
PatrykWaw Yeah it seems so. Problem is that sometimes it works and sometimes no. It seems to be solved with deactivating contacts sync on the watch. But I will test further.
Hello all (salut Florin),
Still have this issue, phone connects ok but contacts do not sync. Tried reset bluetooth, reset phone, reconnect, it refuses to sync contacts. Maybe 3out of 10 tries. For me, this is a real deal breaker since I travel a lot and use hands free intensive. Maybe someone found another solution?
@caolz Like @Christian_S says this problem is back in the latest updates.
Christian_S By the way can you provide a screenshot with your "about device" details?