lambkidt DUDU-Meng It works perfectly fine. I checked with TPMS1 application on dudu store and saw this message.
Gwinambele What is that HUD device from 4th photo? Where to buy it and how it works? It's 3.6 feature right? I don't see it in 3.5 settings.
lambkidt DUDU-Meng I downloaded it from the homepage but it works standalone and can't be displayed on duduos system
lambkidt DUDU-Meng Thank goodness someone extracted the APK file for me from the Chinese store. After installing it is fully compatible with duduOS. Tire pressure is displayed right on the main screen
Gwinambele lambkidt I mean HUD in Dudu setting. It's some Dudu brand HUD that can be integrated with radio?
DUDU-Meng lambkidt Iron General This brand of tire pressure monitoring does not need to install the desktop extension app. Just install the brand's own app.