Hi everyone, I am new to the DUDU7. My truck is 23 Jeep Gladiator and using Jeep-RZ-05 CANBUS Decoder. I have hard time to make climate control display Fahrenheit correctly. After switching from Celsius to Fahrenheit,
- When adjusting temperature through physical button, the ac float section will keep show Celsius, but number is off around -20 compare to actual Fahrenheit.
- When using touch assistant UI to control temperature, under Fahrenheit, the first digit is not working properly and will not update
- When switching between Celsius and Fahrenheit from vehicle information page, the convention is not correct, the actual convention should be 31 °C -> 87.8 °F but it has 31 °C -> 53 °F
Video Demonstration Attached: https://youtu.be/fY-vfljWN-g
Some background information for my climate control setup. My vehicle currently will display A/C control is not supported
when try to access from Navbar. I can use physical button to control but I am missing sync option. Luckily I was able to make a workaround by downloading touch assistant app instructed from other post.
Really appreciated for any help to make Fahrenheit display correctly. Thank you and have a nice day.