I second this, the RDS AF handling is not ideal right now. For me, I have to say, it's somewhat working, but only partially, with some glitches. I don't know whether the AF search function is done by Dudu or is handled by MCU, so it's developed by FYT, but in that case I hope at least Dudu can ask them to do some fixes.
- From my experience over time it seems like the AF table includes wrong frequencies, from other stations. It seems that when swiching preset or tuning to other station the AF table retains frequencies from previous stations and then, when signal goes low, the AF function tries to tune to that wrong frequencies. This happens to me really often.
Correct behaviour should be that when tuning to another frequency/station, the AF table should be allways cleared and newly read from RDS data from currently tuned station. Then, when the signal drops below specified value (would be nice if that value could be adjusted by user in settings), start scanning through those frequencies in the AF table, tune to those with better signal and check for the station PI code from RDS and stay on than frequency only if the PI code is the same with currently listened station. If the PI code cannot be read from RDS, its maybe weak frequency or just some interference, then let's try another ones from list. If the PI code is different, then the checked frequency belongs to another station and then remove it from current AF list and check another ones.
- It seems that when the checking for AF starts and there is some frequency where the signal seems to be better, but it's not correct station broadcasting (mainly stronger interferrence), AF routine tries to repeatedly tune to that frequency and does not move to another ones, even though I know there's better and working frequency in AF list (and I have to tune manually to that one). So as I wrote in previous point, when the AF function tries to check a frequency with seemingly better signal, but cannot obtain PI code from RDS, it should move on and try another ones from AF list.
As wybitny2 said, FM radio and RDS is really widely used in Europe and here in Czechia it will be used for at least another 10 years. So having it working correctly would be really appreciated. And I mean also other RDS function, for example TP (Traffic Program / Announcement), which is not working at all (even though on MTCD units it's working correctly, on Topway units also with some glitches), and I'm not mentioning EON, Radiotext+,...
RDS is really really old standard and it's a bit shame that a 30 years old simple Pioneer car radio I've used before could handle those functions way beter than this modern Android head unit loaded with functions... Yeah, I know, RDS is not used in China, so it's a bit difficult for developers to implement its functions correctly, but still...
So, pretty please, could you at least try to look on this and make some fixes? I can help with testing, if you'd like.
Thanks ;-)