When you connect your smartphone to your head through Bluetooth, the sound source that you were playing will stop and play.
Stop and play without reducing the sound.
And while driving for a long time will eliminate symptoms, restarting the vehicle will cause the same symptoms again.
Music players used 'PowerAmp' and 'AIMP' and they are both the same.
I'm not sure, but when I registered my music playback app on PIP, it seemed to have happened more often.
This symptom does not appear if you disconnect from the Bluetooth connection.
The smartphone is Galaxy S24u and the vehicle is 9th generation Malibu.
And there is also a symptom of a puck sound that seems to constantly switch on and off the speaker.
I tried to record it on my smartphone, but I can't hear it.
Currently, all apps in the Dudu App Store have been updated and are being expressed from Beta13.