For more efficient feedback on bugs, be sure to provide the following basic information to reduce communication costs
[1] Describe in detail the error you encountered:
My unit doesn't seem to have the second bluetooth chip in the board. I've tried setting sys.fyt.bluetooth_type
to 0, 1, 5, 6, 7. The bluetooth is greyed out and I can't enable it. Using the bluetooth menu from Android settings (it's called "Bluetooth 2") works. My unit is FYT=8 and the original firmware has sys.fyt.bluetooth_type=0
[2] Provide screenshots of system information, in the car settings - about - long press the upper left corner of the picture for 3 seconds, the contents of the pop-up window to take:
I'm using UIS7862 not UIS8581, it's a bug from the system information that should be fixed in the next version according tg @YAOXILONG