picasso1850 frorei Going off memory I don't know the exact location but my guess is it's in sound settings. I believe is right next to the option where you choose internal dsp vs external. Says like USB music or something....
surfer63 That USB sound setting is if you want to use audio pass-through to a USB-DAC. Normal USB working has nothing to do with that. DAB-Z should simply find the USB-dongle. Problems could be if you did not give the correct permissions or if your dongle is not 100% anymore. That happened to my first DAB+ USB dongle. After all: it's cheap Chinese stuff. Also had to replace an antenna wire. (I do not have DAB+ anymore. My "new" car (9 year old, bought 3 years ago) has metal coated windows, meaning no reception anymore.)
gismo My DAB+ adapter worked straight after plugging it in DUDU7 and installing DAB-Z. No need for permissions or settings. @frorei I think your problem is elsewhere - faulty DAB adapter (if no adapter found) or antenna connection (if adapter found but no programs).
surfer63 JhonnyD Is realzoulou stopping with DAB-Z? I haven't seen anything about that although I must say that I do not follow his XDA thread very intensely lately. But searching now, I can't find it either.
JhonnyD surfer63 https://xdaforums.com/t/dab-z-v2-x-usb-dab-dab-app-official-support-thread.4572071/page-26#post-89713534
surfer63 JhonnyD Only one line in the middle of a message? I did miss that one. He should be more informative. Anyway, I have used DAB-Z for about 4 years with great pleasure.
JhonnyD In my case it was blitzer.de. But i found the correct settings. And it just was on DUDU6. On DUDU7 it was ok. But atm i swapped to DABDream and will stay there.
Bettman66 surfer63 I have also been using DABDream since Dudu7 because I have less interference on my home route. That must have something to do with the audio buffer.
HondaCivicDriver surfer63 @JhonnyD I also wanted to replace DAB-Z by DAB Dream but what hindered me was that DAB Dream could never find my USB-dongle DAB+ antenna. Nothing. Strangely DAB-Z never had any problems, so I don't think my hardware is compromised.
PatrykWaw frorei what dab+ adapter you have? I have already seen usb adapters that are not recognized by android