[feature requests]
I have my CD's (and my wife's) ripped and organized in folders on internal memory (see image below):
Request 1: I would prefer to "tap and hold" a folder and get the following options:
- Play (Play the contents of the folder based on the sorting of the files; see below in request 2)
- Play in random order (simply play the contents in random order)
- Resume playing (and remember whether the user asked for random play or "standard" play)
(Within brackets my explanation)
Request 2: And when referring to the request "1. Play", based on the sorting.
With this I mean that the media player does read the mp3 tags of the songs. So please for the map view make an option to:
- order on song name (based on the mp3-tag)
- order on file name (in case you have in an album ("01 - Lord Grenville.mp3", "02 - On the Border.mp3", etcetera)
Request 3: Make it possible to alter the font size (or is this already possible?) Or the number of icons with text (now 4 on a row, so please make it also possible to have 3 on a row, or 5. whatever the user likes to have)
Request 4: And finally, as also requested by others: Make the local music/radio PIP/splitscreen enabled.
(You know: Like in the AndroidManifest.xml add the following lines:
android:resizeableActivity="true" <!-- Enables split-screen -->
android:supportsPictureInPicture="true" <!-- Enables Picture-in-Picture mode -->
) and adapt the layouts accordingly.
If this can be made possible, it would really be great.
Thank you.