• Update Bulletin
  • Guide to Resolving Screen Flicker: Updating Your Display Panel DriverDrivers

Some users have recently reported screen flickering issues in certain apps. If you're experiencing this problem, please follow these steps:

  1. Long-press the screen image in the top-left corner of Settings > About to access system details.

  2. Check your Screen params, paying close attention to your screen panel model.

  3. If your panel model matches one of the following, you can download an updated panel driver to fix the flickering:

  4. After downloading, verify that the driver model matches your screen panel.

  5. Extract the three files from the downloaded 7z file to the root directory of a USB drive.

  6. Insert the USB drive into your car's infotainment system. It will automatically restart and upgrade the screen driver.

  7. Once the upgrade is complete, you'll see a green text prompt indicating it's safe to remove the USB drive.

  8. Check the system details again. You should see an updated date for the panel driver.


    I did upgrade for screen L8-MIPI-WD1152HM30AB_B1_1200x2000.
    I had version 20240102, now after update it is version 20240617.
    Seems it help for screen flickering, but after update i have feeling that screen quality is poor according to quality before the update.
    Can you share version 20240102 i will just do downgrade and check screen quality again to be sure if the screen quality is really worse after update or it is just my false feeling?

      rafal how”s poor it is, i also upgraded same panel version like you. So i can check and confirm with you

        Doesn't look like crystal view before, looking on 1080p video doesn't look like full hd quality video.
        Maybe refresh rate now is different or something other was changed.
        Its not very bad or bad, but just looks different somehow but worse in my opinion.
        I would flash driver it back to verify my feeling.
        Or compare settings with app "HW info" about the screen settings with someone who didn't do upgrade yet.

        But flashing it back is the fastest and easiest option.

          rafal i see , i will take a look about some problems you said , will let you know

          2 months later

          YAOXILONG требуется драйвер на дисплей L10P8-MIPI-YT129IBLXL004_B_1200x1920.

          2 months later

          Any way to get the driver for: "L10P8-MIPI-WD129FBM30TA-AO-T0O_1200X1920" ?
          My kid broke the screen on my DuDu 7 11.5 inch 360. I have another DuDu 7 13 inch but it is not 360. I'm thinking that I can replace the screen if I can get the driver for it. Anyone knows if this is possible? Thanks for all your help.
          Morey R.

            4 days later

            moreyruiz ваш запрос ещё актуален?

            Yes. I still need the drivers for the dudu7 11.5 and 13 inch screen.

            11 days later