Extreme Hi guys/girls, I’ve just installed my 12-256gb dudu7 9.5” unit into my car. I’m having a hard time figuring out how to adjust volume through the unit? Is there a menu/volume bar/widget available?
Chubaka885 Extreme зайдите в настройки транспортное средство - navbar. Установите свой макет навбар (макет пользователя). И включите кнопки регулировки громкости. Они появятся на панели navbar.
psihog If you click on the time at the bottom right, there's a volume slider in the popup panel. Also check the settings for SWC steering wheel control to bind volume to your steering wheel buttons or get a dudu bluetooth controller. https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c-s.w1017-23578523007.18.71d81cec0s6FjH&id=682916822095&