dudu0101 What is the purpose of the three USB connections on the DUDU7? I connected my Android phone and there was no Android Auto and I could not play music from my Android phone to the headunit. Pixel 9 Pro XL connected to DUDU7.
Dudleyiow jamar dudu0101 When you connect the DUDU 2k DVR camera to one of the 3 usb connectors does it power the camera when car is turned off.
dudu0101 ok, thanks. Works fine. So x1 USB for phone connection for AA and then another x2 for what? USB drives? Are there any other uses?
MihaiFlorin dudu0101 For example a DAB adapter if you want. And you can use the other to record videos from your front/rear camera.
jamar dudu0101 I have one USB attached to glovebox for thumbdrive with my music collection and for easy access to manual updates. And in the other two I have connected TPMS receiver and DUDU 2k DVR camera. The DAB adapter will follow soon when the weather gets warmer (I have already one home for testing) and I'm thinking about USB volume knob. But for those I'll have to connect USB hub. So in fact there's too few USB ports for all those external gadgets ;-)
Gwinambele i have TPMS, DVR and usb sygnal converter to OEM amplifier (i have to use it to make amplifier to work) and i have no USB left. Actually i would like to have one more for some usb drive.
MihaiFlorin Dudleyiow No because this will drain your car's battery. Like @Gwinambele says, it is powered for like 5 minutes after you stop the car, but because this is how long it takes to go to sleep-hibernate state.
Gwinambele i measured it today and it is exactly 5 min after you turn acc off. there is short unit vents start and stop after 5 min and dvr is also shut down after 5 min.