My car has several old-fashioned "alert-lights" like e.g. "AIRBAG" - "ENGINE" - etc. This is simply an array of several 12V lightbulbs behind a rather huge panel - and this is exactly the panel I would like to use for a Dudu7. Ideally, I would
- recognize the 12V current in a small Arduino board (nothing new for me, this is quite normal in home automation), so if the airbag-lightbulb gets 12V, the Arduino knows "airbag=true"
- use something like an MCP2515 to send the signal to CAN-Bus, so the Dudu would get the CAN-Bus message I define.
Of course the Dudu does not know my CAN-Bus messages because I define them in my Arduino. Right now I see two options and would like to ask which is possible:
A) In my Dudu7 I would define own rules like "If you receive the message "AirbagAlertRed" through CAN bus, please display "AirbagRed.png" as overlay" and then I would tell my Arduino to send "AirbagAlertRed" once it gets current on the airbag-pins
B) I get an overview of the exact CAN Bus messages for my car that makes the overlay happen. So it would be "ok, the airbag symbol is shown once Dudu gets the message "VW-Airbag-Code-12345" on CAN bus" and then of course I would tell my Arduino to send "VW-Airbag-Code-12345" once it gets current on the airbag-pins
Which of those two options is possible/recommended?