ceo16 hello, and my first post so I greet you all. I just got my new Dudu7 I have an ODBII that is seen as a bluetooth device but is not associated.
Chubaka885 Привяжите устройство к системе. Потом в настройках - внешние устройства - обд, выберите не elm327 а сопряжённые с системой.
ceo16 thanks for the answer, but the system does not connect it. the password of the device is 1234 so from menu dudu does not connect, if I put the password in the android menu the same remains on the devices to be associated.
surfer63 I have the exact same ELM 327 on DUDU OS on my 7862 (dudu7 has not arrived yet), and I have the exact same issue. The elm is displayed but the system simply does not connect to it. Not via the system and neither via the bluetooth coupling directly in the obd screen.